Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Dust. . .

I want nothing. I need nothing. I have nothing to offer. I am an empty space. I am a sunless day and a moonless night. I long only for anonymity. I fold my arms and turn my back on the world. I am alone always. I don't shout. I don't cry. I don't whisper. I have no thoughts. I have no words. I am nightmare and dream. I am yesterday.
I am a chalk mark on a slate board. I am white on black and black on white. I am sand on a beach. I am quiet. I am silence. I am surrender. No gravity. No center. No purpose. No hope. No regret. I am defined by my futility. I am almost gone. I am uninterested. I am disembodied. I am not your friend and never was. I am not special. I am warm breath on cold glass. I am a cave wall. I am DNA. I am dust.

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