Sunday, September 5, 2021

Shortcomings Come and Gone

Some people are bad, it’s true, but most of them just aren’t good enough.

Stupid is as Stupid Votes

Never use the phrase “nobody could possibly be that stupid” in Florida. Ten people will fall out of the nearest palm tree to prove you wrong. And one might fall on you.


I’ve lived a “what was I thinking?!!” life. The only thing I regret is everything. . .

Blue and Red with Feathers

Superman looks in his closet and it’s full of blue tights and red capes and one chicken suit. . .

The Eternal Grimace

God smiles at me. His large jagged teeth glittering in the moonlight. His breath smells of decay. A Cheshire cat grin of disinterest. Fading to black.

He knows something. But will not give up his secret. He is no one special, but will not admit it. His power is only to destroy. That is practical divinity.

The webs he weaves come apart quickly. And Spiderman tumbles to earth. Broken heart or broken leg. It doesn’t matter. Breaking is the only goal.

I spy his shadow. Barely discernable on a cloudy day. As pre-rain air clings to human skin. A frown posed on unbelieving lips. The joke unappreciated.

This is the riddle. This is the story. This is the end. There is no smile. There is no secret. There is no plan. There is no shadow. Only the eternal grimace.