Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trump at Ground Zero

"FOX News has uncovered this photo of Trump helping 9/11 victims at ground zero. Standing next to him in line as he passes out Big Macs and MAGA caps to survivors are Santa Claus, Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster, George Washington, Howdy Doody, and the Alien from Area 51."

Monday, July 29, 2019

So. . .

So. . .

Mexico writes the U.S. government a postdated, out-of-state, third party check signed by Mexican Emperor Maximilian to pay for Trump’s border wall; and then laughs its collective ass off in Spanish.

Hearing the south of the border amusement our exalted Embarrassment-in-Chief slaps a tariff on poinsettia imports and nominates himself for the Nobel Peace Prize.

FOX News Channel announces the nomination, okays Sean Hannity's company health plan request for penis enlargement pills, and sacrifices a goat at the temple of the God of Misinformation.

AND all is well in America.


For two years I waited for the Republican leadership to rise up and take their party back from Trump. Then it occurred to me: they don’t want to take the party back. They like Trump. As long as they can use him to further their terrible legislative agenda, they don’t care what he does or says. Any party members who had any reservations about his lack of character or dishonesty are now dead or retired. There are no Republicans left with even a smidgen of conscience or honor. The Party of Lincoln is now the party of Trump; that is to say, the party of children in cages, white supremacy, Confederate fly waving, voter suppression, gerrymandered and stolen elections, tax cuts for the wealthy, religious intolerance, threats against political rivals, friendships with foreign dictators, military parades in peace time, nepotism and advancement of the incompetent, anti-science, anti-education, contempt for the rule of law, homophobia, misogyny, unrestricted access to firearms, school shootings, corporate personhood, rape and sexual deviance, early death from treatable illness, crumbling infrastructure, third grade level political discourse, deteriorating standards for water and air, rejection of Constitutional traditions and norms, open contempt for the press, attacks on the sick and handicapped, runaway military spending, skyrocketing national deficits and debt, and the use of nuclear weapons to threaten third world nations. Did I miss anything? This is the modern GOP. It is now the GOPT, the Grand Old Party of Trump. There’s nothing left to take back.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Yet Another of Our Exalted Leader's Failed Business Ventures. . .

“Trump’s Lemonade. It’s the best lemonade. $10.00 a cup. Cup not included. Contains no real lemons or citrus fruit. Purity of water cannot be verified. Illegal in Rhode Island, American Samoa, and parts of Southeast Asia. Drink at your own risk. May cause nausea and/or viral infections in rabbits and people allergic to rodent milk. Copy write pending.”

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What's Really Important

I would trample on the American flag like it was a red carpet at the Oscars if my doing so would free just one child from a cage.

It’s time for some people to get their heads out of their asses and focus their attention on what’s really important. The systematic abuse of children is more worthy of public outrage than the mistreatment of a few threads of colored fabric.