Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Storms on Titan

There are storms on Titan.
There are whales choking on plastic.
There are madmen with nuclear weapons.
There are quarterbacks thinking of suicide.
There are comedians raping women.
There are storms on Titan.

There are children in cages.
There are judges taking bribes.
There are liars defining the truth.
There are bureaucrats writing letters.
There are oceans rising in rebellion.
There are children in cages.

There are fires in California.
There are cops shooting black men.
There are glaciers melting in Greenland.
There are preachers defending the Devil.
There are students crouched under their desks.
There are fires in California.

There are storms on Titan.
There are fascists parading like veterans.
There are frogs and honey bees dying.
There are players kneeling in protest.
There are plagues of mosquitoes in Raleigh.
There are storms on Titan. . .