Sunday, June 3, 2018


I can live without.
Love but no reciprocation.
Physical extension without movement.
A tunnel with no light ahead.
I’ve learned to make do.
So I make do.
With what I haven’t.

I have nothing to offer.
No regret worth mentioning.
The way I am isn’t the way of the world.
My world revolves independently.
I know my boundaries.
And I stay inside.
On a sunny day.

I am what I am.
Time won’t change or improve me.
Move mountains via the freeway.
Add sand to my hourglass.
Small God and small miracles.
I expect no civility.
From the cosmos.

I can live without.
Remember her with few tears.
Consign my history to the dung heap.
Write revisions in red ink.
Salute my non-belief.
I am comfortable enough.
To admit what is and isn’t.