Saturday, July 30, 2016

I am the Anti-Everything

 I am the anti-everything. A song no one will ever sing.
My smile is a frown. My dance step is falling down.
My jokes will make you weep. And my enthusiasm put you to sleep.
I grimace instead of wink. And I don't care what you think.

I am the anti-everything. A bird with neither beak or wing.
My creed is non-belief. My greatest joy is an acceptance of grief.
My profile is chiseled in the mud. And my portrait painted in blood.
I am a most peculiar man. And I don't give a good god damn.

I am the anti-everything. A poet priest and philosopher king.
My light is the lack of light. My blindness is my only insight.
My holy book is a blank page. And I haven't mellowed with age.
I am the salt sullied sea. And I am no one but me.

I am the anti-everything. A butterfly kiss and a bee sting.
My comfort is distress. My attempt at order is a holy mess.
My whisper is a clarion call. And my doorway a thick stone wall.       
I am a heart alone on a shelf. And I am apt to repeat myself. . .

I am the anti-everything. A song no one will ever sing.
My smile is a frown. My dance step is falling down.
My jokes will make you weep. And my enthusiasm put you to sleep.
I grimace instead of wink. And I don't care what you think.