Saturday, July 4, 2015

Random Acts of Wit

I was a femfatality.

The only personal growth anyone one has observed in her lately are her fingernails. Even her hair seems to be stuck in a state of permanent adolescence.

Why is it that the scenery on the way to work looks so much different than the scenery on the way home from work?

Oh, for the days when all your worldly troubles could be solved with a cookie! I remember my twenties fondly. . .

Self-righteousness, when taken as a character trait, usually implies more selfishness than righteousness.

Self-righteous is the word we use to describe the steadfast, absolute, and incontestable belief in the correctness or truth of one's own creed or position.

Whatever their genetic predisposition, everyone is born with a clean soul.

The concept of original sin was invented by the wicked to downplay the significance of their own transgressions.

What is the opposite of a random act of kindness? A calculated act of cruelty?

Reply in kindness or risk not being spoken to at all.

Catholicism is nothing but an inventive excuse to wear a funny hat.

God save us from religion.

He who stays home and prays accomplishes nothing.

Real commitment requires more than token assent and minimal effort. Real support requires giving up something that is dear to you. Real belief requires putting your body in the line of fire. Real activism is a lifestyle, not a momentary pose for the camera. Real commitment is learning to drive on the left side of the road.

When did Martin Luther King become MLK? The week after Jesus Christ became JC.

Belief without knowledge is a sham.

The flesh is ready, but the spirit is weak.

I left home to cure an obsession. When I came back and it had vanished. I guess time and distance do heal all wounds.

They followed where they were led like sheeps to the shearing.

An act of protest is a call to empathy.

I liked shirt tags. They made it easy to put on a t-shirt. You always knew which side went backward and which face-ward.

Proper English is becoming increasingly archaic.

"I'm Paul W. Smith. The "W" stands for fascist. I can't spell either."

Contrary statements are always true.